t. 01384 898 510 | e. richard@multiformtubesltd.co.uk

Tube Reduction

Welcome To Tube Reduction

Tube manipulation demands high quality services and first class products that meet precise client specifications. We are a versatile supplier of high calibre tubular products and components, and our name has become synonymous with the consistent delivery of the right products at the right prices.

Our comprehensive service covers every aspect of the tube manipulation process, and our products are available in a large range of sizes and shapes. We manufacture in a host of materials such as brass, copper, titanium and more. Tubes are used globally in an extensive list of industries, and the value of a reputable manufacturer cannot be exaggerated. It is important to select a supplier that is dedicated to the delivery of high quality products and services.

As we manufacture our tubular products in a variety of materials, we are able to offer vast choice to our clients. We can meet every order and produce a range of finishes and strengths. Our products are available in variety of shapes, including oval and square, which ensures their suitability for use in a whole host of applications. Our skills are supported by many years of experience, and we have focused on the consistent development of our techniques. Our resources and state of the art machinery assure our ability to provide the tubular products that satisfy every requirement.

Tube reduction is similar to tube tapering, and involves reducing the size of a tube towards its end. The process will typically be carried out on rotary reducing machines. The beauty of the process is that reduction can be achieved without affecting the integral strength or the grain structure. The process produces components that can be used in a wide range of applications, including the securing of heavy wall fixtures. The tubes can also be used for tube layering, which incorporates the use of several tubes in different materials to add strength to a structure. Hydraulic end forming involves a static forming die and produces tubes of a greater diameter than rotary reducing.

We work across many different industries and are able to produce an unlimited supply of precision products. From furniture fittings and gearsticks for the automotive trade, to crucial components for the construction, heating and medical sectors, we can meet every need. We offer a multitude of services including tube reduction, ring rolling and swaging to bending, beading and more. Contact us to discover how we can help with our cost-effective and dependable products.

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